Friday, May 28, 2010

2 points perspective

top left =security , bottom left = determination, top right = dominant

top left =intimidate , bottom left = invade, top right = command

top left = rule , bottom left = obedience, top right = control

top left = shelter , bottom left = support, top right = protection

top left = armed , bottom left = tough, top right = authority

top left = crusade , bottom left = extreme, top right = eager

Monday, May 10, 2010

huon valley, Tasmania

1 point perspective

top = tough
middle = support
bottom = control

top left = eager , bottom left = obedience, top right = determination

top left = security , bottom left = invade, top right = rule

top left = protection , bottom left = crusade, top right = shelter

top left = extreme , bottom left = command, top right = dominance

top left = armed , bottom left = authority, top right = intimidate

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Twenty years have passed since HKI (Helen Keller International) started to operate, thanks to its implementation, the result benefit a total of 7 million people. Moreover, Miranda adds that the benefit can be empowered by putting the right fuel to the operation, so it can perform at its optimum, especially for the five programs in the three states. Now the chancellor of Germany, Merkel, said that something the world has gotten to can be strengthened and changed into freedom with another implementation in the states of Adamawa, Borno, and Akwa-Ibom. Merkel concluded that freedom, health, solidarity, and partnership, therefore, belong together.

The mission of Helen Keller International is to save the lives and sight of the disadvantaged. As nature lover, Miranda becomes the supermodel for this issue. Kerr says " I'm just so passionate about health and well being." The power of the mind is so strong, every thought affects our body on a cellular level, so it is necessary to fill our body with the right thoughts as well. It can be the rules to prevent the community from being damaged. There has also been increased community awareness about the disease with increased levels of participation in program activities

Helen Keller International is among the oldest international nonprofit organizations devoted to fighting and treating preventable blindness and malnutrition. The number of people treated is also increase in the past five years. However, Merkel said that the financial crisis will remain like the way it has always been. Merkel suggests that the cooperation may strengthen financial agreement. She also said that a new financial architecture is needed.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

crysis link

Level link
Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Object link
Link 4:

3d warehouse exp2

final model in sketch up

i have added some rectangular forms for ventilation and fence in this design to make it function well.

submission 2

this image represent the electroliquid aggregation, because this labs are put in a place where its unity with nature and the species can be emphasized.
this image show the scene from the building, it shows the overall form of the building and the natural scene which is the scene of ocean.

this image show the lighting effect of labs. it is moreover emphasized because it is taken at night.

this is the third space, the meeting point. this is the landforms which articulates a ramp from darwin's lab.

this image shows the side view of the building. it shows its location, above the ocean and stuck to a cliff.

this is the front view, showing overall shape of the labs.

crysis trial 1

Saturday, May 1, 2010